Don’t Forget to PASS When there’s Fire  

Apr 11

Fire is worse than robbery so they say. Actually both are undesirable but for the purposes of comparison, others would prefer robbery than fire. When you are robbed, robbers will only get something of value. When your house is on fire, it will engulf everything. It will not leave anything.


When there’s fire, it is critical that we know how to deal with it so we will not incur total damage. The first line of defence is fire extinguisher. If we have fire extinguisher, we should not forget to P A S S. What’s P A S S?

  • P: P stands for pull. When we have the fire extinguisher within our reach, the basic thing that we need to do is pull the pin.
  • A: After pulling the pin, the next thing that we need to do is aim the nozzle of extinguisher at the base of the flames.


  • S: Now that we aimed for the base of the flames, the next thing that we need to do is squeeze the trigger while holding the extinguisher in an upright position.
  • S: The last thing that we need to do is sweep the extinguisher from side to side covering the area of the fire.

Now we are knowledgeable about fire suppression. Fire extinguishers are widely available here in Singapore. In the event that we cannot handle the fire, it is time to call the nearest fire station. There are many fire stations here in Singapore so this is not an issue. You have the responsibility to lead the people towards the exit.

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What You Need to Know about the Internet of Things  

Apr 08

Electronic companies are launching different smart technologies here in Singapore and the whole world in their attempt to broaden the internet-connectedness of homes. In fact, Samsung recently announced that they will release smart refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners. The new appliances will feature Samsung’s own operating system.


The tech is ploughing the field for the so-called Internet of Things known also as IoT. The world’s top mobile phone maker is planning to make its new products internet-connected by the end of 2020. This is in preparation to welcome IoT which is synonymous to future growth. At this juncture, we need to know what this IoT signifies and how it can affect our lives in general.

Here are some things that you need to know about the Internet of Things:

  • The concept behind it: IoT refers to the interconnection of devices within the internet infrastructure. In essence, IoT offers advance connectivity between systems, services and devices that transcends beyond Machine-to-machine Communications (M2M). IoT is expected to lead automation in all fields.


  • Applications: IoT is used in different things. For example, IoT can be used for monitoring heart implants, automobiles, biochip transporders and many more. According to Gartner, Inc – a research and advisory corporation, by the end of 2020, there will be at least twenty six billion devices on IoT. On the other hand, ABI Research pegged that at least thirty billion devices will be connected to IoT by 2020.If we look at the statistics, it only shows us that by the end of 2020, there will be tons of applications that utilizes IoT. The applications are utilized in the field of media, infrastructure management, environmental monitoring, manufacturing, medical and healthcare systems, energy management, transportation, building and home automation and large scale deployments.
  • Controversies: Many technology experts firmly believe that IoT is a step towards a world that is better and more advanced. However, there are people who have doubts about IoT. For example, philosophers say that technology already influence our decision-making, which compromises privacy, autonomy and control. Other controversies include user content, anonymity and freedom of choice. It can also compromise security and eventually the environment.

Now we know about Internet of Things. With this, we know how we live every day. The important thing here is we understand its concept and explain it to others who do not understand. We are surrounded by IoT without us knowing so it is imperative that we spend time learning about it. We will not get confused next time.


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Foods for Brainpower

Feb 27

You are what you eat. You have to believe that. If you eat unhealthy foods, your health will be poor and it will show. If you eat healthy foods, your life will be more vibrant and happy. Your life will be vibrant and happy that others might envy you. With that being said, you have to be careful of what you eat especially if you are concerned about your physical and mental health.


There are many foods here in Singapore and you can indulge whenever you want. However, if you want mental acuity, you have to be specific. You have to know that the brain, like your heart and other internal organs, needs nutrients for proper functioning. You have the responsibility to keep your grey matter healthy. Here are some foods that you should particularly take to be able to satisfy your grey matter:

  • Whole grains: Your brain needs energy so it can function properly. If you have problems with concentration, you need to know that it has something to do with adequate and steady supply of energy. You need a supply of energy (in the form of glucose) so you can concentrate. It so happen that whole grains contain glucose that can help you through the day.
  • Oily fish: Your brain needs Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) and it can only be obtained through diet. The most effective EFA is omega-3 and it can be found in oily fishes.
  • Blueberries: According to a study of the Tufts University in Unite States, blueberries can help improve memory. Blueberries are widely available so there is no excuse not to have it.
  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are powerful antioxidants that can protect the body against free radical which can damage the cells. If the cells are damage, it will lead to the development of dementia.


  • B vitamins: B vitamins like B6, B12 and folic acid are popular for its property to reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is linked with cognitive impairment. Knowing this, you have to take B vitamins to reduce cognitive impairment.
  • Pumpkin seeds: Your brain also needs zinc. Zinc is an essential element in enhancing your memory as well as thinking skills. Pumpkin seeds contain zinc.
  • Broccoli: You can also consider broccoli. Broccoli contains vitamin K which is known to augment cognitive function.
  • Nuts: The most famous brain food is the nut. It is true that nuts contain vitamin E that can avert cognitive decline.

If you are serious about brainpower, you have to consider the foods mentioned above. If you want, you can consult a health expert to help you with your journey. Good thing there are many health experts here in Singapore and you only need to consult one.


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Predicting the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Feb 23

When you get old, Alzheimer’s disease is imminent. You are lucky if you do not suffer from it. For those who are suffering from it, they should be surrounded with people who understand their condition and provide support for them. Alzheimer’s disease is common here in Singapore and around the world. No one is exempted.


Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that can degenerate the brain. It can cause the people to gradually lose their memory as they grow old. The most common form is dementia. The patient will encounter progressive memory loss, impaired thinking, disorientation and to some extent change in mood and personality.

Your risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s is high and you only wish it will not happen to you. The good news is that experts now are keen on predicting the risk of people from developing Alzheimer’s. This is an important breakthrough because it will give us information before its onset. The prediction can help us prevent or at least slow Alzheimer’s down.

If you are so concerned about your risk of developing Alzheimer’s, you have to know that experts have created an online test that is available for everyone. The online tests are composed of timed and non-timed exercises that can quantify cognitive function. In the tests, you will answer lifestyle questions like the amount of your protein or carbs you eat, how much alcohol or coffee you consume, how often you exercise and many markers.

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The online tests include thirty seven questions that are developed and carefully put together by The Oxford University’s Food for the Brain professor David Smith. Professor David Smith is the leading figure in the field of Alzheimer. According to him, the online tests can help people to prevent Alzheimer’s by reducing its risk. The exams will also help participants to track down how their lifestyle impact cognitive functioning.

If you choose to avail of the online test, you have to expect the Food for the Brain Cognitive Function Test. This test will give you questions in relation to your memory and your lifestyle. This exam is specifically for people ages 50 to 70 years old. The first part of the test entails images on the screen. Later, you will encounter timed questions that include images, letters and memory tests.

Finally, you will encounter lifestyle questions that can determine whether you are a low, average or above average risk of developing Alzheimer’s. The best part is that the test will give you lifestyle advice that can help you change the outcome. The advises includes minimizing sugar and refined foods, eating more fish and seeds, taking more supplement B vitamins, limiting coffee and the like.

This is a great help for Singaporeans and the world.

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What Your Dessert Says About You

Jan 15

December is truly the season to be jolly especially with the feasts and the gathering. You particularly love the desserts after every meal. Everyone loves deserts but did you know that your dessert choice can speak a lot about you?


Well, this is your time to know what desserts speak about you. Here’s the list:

  • Chocolate cake: Chocolate cakes are the favourite of most Singaporeans. Chocolate cakes are delectable because of its rich flavours. If you are fond of chocolate cakes, it could mean that you are passionate about what you do and you are ambitious.
  • Apple pie: Apple pies are traditional desserts and it is comforting too. If you love pies, it could mean that you are traditional and you enjoy the comforts of your friends and family.


  • Brownies: Brownies are tough. There are many brownies here in Singapore and these tasty treats speak a lot about an individual. It could mean that you are adventurous and you are always on the go. You will welcome the new challenges that you will face.
  • Crème Brulee: Crème brulees are known for its refined taste and texture. If you love crème brulee, it could mean that you love sophistication but still you are enjoying simple comforts in life.
  • Ice Cream Cake: Ice cream offers different delectable flavours. For those who love ice cream cakes, they prefer to taste a bit of everything. These people simply love variety. Furthermore, these people do not live in a life full of routines.

With this, you should not miss your Christmas parties so you can get the taste of your favourite desserts. At the end of the day, your actions will speak a lot about you.


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