September marked the WHP (Workplace Health Promotion) Grant. WHP Grant is a project of the Singapore HPB (Health Promotion Board) in partnership with the NTUC WDS (Women’s Development Secretariat). HPB and NTUC WDS seek 1700 women leaders to encourage their employers to join the WHP Grant. The Grant is created to support healthy living through health programmes for women in their workplace.
In addition, the Grant offers financial support to assist organizations or companies commence and maintain health programmes in their workplace. The whole point of this programme is to ensure that women are well-protected in their workplace and that they are supported by their employers. HPB hopes that many companies or organizations join the grant so it will benefit more working women.

Any company or organization in Singapore with at least 5 employees can apply or register. If you are interested, you can apply – all you need is to secure an application form. Application forms are available in the website of the HPB. When you are done filling it, you should send it right away. You will receive notifications of the outcome of the application within 30 (working) days upon after the filing.
Grant Components
The Grant is comprised of 3 components – Mental Health, General Health and Targeted Interventions. When you talk about Mental Health, its services for perfect living singapore include educational activities, counselling, mental health consulting services and mental health support activities; General Health services include assessment (healthy living practices, survey, screening, etc.), training, buying of fitness equipments, physical exercises and many more; while Targeted Intervention covers management programmes (like weight, chronic disease and smoking).

Grant Values
Singapore considers everyone as vital in nation building. The Grant value is S$15000. Since there are three components, S$15000 will be divided. You should know that you are given 2 choices of funding.
The number 1 choice is for Health Award beneficiaries and new organizations. This will cover the three components, with a limit for General Health services of S$5,000. For the Targeted Intervention and the Mental Health, HPB will fully fund it.
The number two choice is open for Bronze Health Awardees and new organizations. This will only cover two components-General and Mental Health. For the General Health, HPB will grant S$10,000; the organization will also give S$10,000. For the mental Health, HPB will grant S$5000.
Improved Living
The WHP Grant is just one of the many efforts of the government to promote perfect living. Though there are no perfect society, the Grant is a beginning to healthy living. The employees and the employers should do their best to participate in this project. Working women should not solely rely on the programs given by the government. Everyone should do their best to practice and observe healthy living.
Everything will come to waste if the recipients do not practice it in their homes. The healthy programmes should be practiced and extended in the homes too. The government recognizes the vital role of mothers in the health behaviours and practices of their children and other family members. This is not utopia, this is Singapore. We do not expect perfect living but at least we tried reaching it.
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