What You Need to Know about Ecological Footprint

Nov 03

Almost all people have an idea that the planet is in decline. People know the cause and effect of the decline but few really understand how they contributed to that. Let it be known that the ecological footprint of Singapore worsened this year.


This is according to the World Wide Fund for Nature’s (WWF) Living Planet Report released on October 6, 2014. WWF analysed one hundred fifty countries and the report showed that Singapore is the seventh largest ecological footprint contributor. In the 2012 report, the lion-city was ranked 12th.

Here are the things you need to know about ecological footprint of WWF:


  • Definition: Ecological footprint is an instrument to measure the demands of the population in relation to natural resources. The ranking on the other hand is determined by the country’s services and goods and its efficiency when it comes to proving these services and goods.
  • Top five: WWF released the top five countries that yields the largest ecological footprint. These countries are Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Denmark and Belgium.
  • Sources of ecological footprint: In Singapore’s context, one source of ecological footprint comes from the carbon emissions. Another source comes from consuming huge amounts of imported services and foods.
  • What Singapore can do: Singapore can reduce the consumption. The government as well as the private sectors should put emphasis on consuming wisely. The population should choose sustainable products and consume those that have lower footprints. Apart from that, the government can also encourage and invest in companies that have high regard on the environment. The Transboundary Haze Pollution Act is a good start.



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See the Beautiful Sunshine: The Advantages of being a Sunrise Person

Oct 24

Most people who work at night do not see the sunrise. Although there are times that they can see it, they also do not have enough energy to walk under the roasting heat of the sun. They are sleepy in the morning; preventing them to see the sunrise in a beautiful mood.

young sleeping woman seeing sweet dreams

The Usual Routine

Jogging and any form of exercise are mostly done in the morning. Experts believe that performing shaking in the morning would contribute to a healthy physique. Actually, one can get vitamin D when a person is under the light heat of the sun specifically during 5:00 a.m. up to 7:00 a.m.

Supermarkets are not crowded

In the morning, grocery stores open. If you come in at 9:00 a.m. you’ll finish at around 10:30 in the morning. It is because most supermarkets have all the supply that you need. Also, you don’t have to fall on a very long line.


Travelling is not a Problem

Whether by land, sea or air, it is not a good choice to travel at night. Aside that you can’t see the wonderful things that you may pass on your way, you also feel sleepy during your travel period.

Night is the best time to sleep

Even if you sleep the whole morning and you have all night to do your duty; it is still advisable to sleep at night because this is the traditional time that people traditional time that people rest.


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A Phrase to Avoid Saying to Your Child

Oct 21

Good or bad, you still need to know what the things that you should say to your child are. Being a responsible parent is also knowing what the words should be spoken to your kid once you are mad, sad and happy.


No, you are okay!

When your child kneels down and cries hard, you immediately try to comfort your child. And now he’s done crying, you say that he’s okay. This is wrong because you are like saying to him that he is a robot. Always remember that your child is also a human being. He has emotions that are the same as you.


If your child is in trouble do not think that he is just okay or he can manage the situation. Do not forget that you are still the parent of the child and whatever happens to him shall be linked to you. In times when you kid cries, he needs a company – a shoulder to lean on. And that will be his parents. Be sure that you are always open to your child and omit saying the words “No, you are okay” because it just gives them additional problem. They will think that you do not care and you have no interest in helping them solve their difficulties.

When bad things happen to your child, try to say “Calm down” or “Stop crying, I will help you”. Actually, there are a lot of things to do to comfort your child and only the parent can do the exact caress that their child wants. It may be a sweet kiss or a tight hug.


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Things Needed to Make the News Worthy

Oct 18

There is no direct definition of news. However, many journalist claims that new is defined as an event or happening aall around. Other people would say the news literally stands for North, East, West, South which is clearly a term for everywhere. Moreover, news is an informantion or record of the events that happened most especially if it involves the country, famous personalities and ordinary individuals as long as it posseses the elements that must be needed in order to be worthy as a news.


To fully know what exactlay happened in a specific place, a writer must check the following things so that it can be called a news:

Prominence – In this element, a writer must know if the people inevolved are prominent individuals in the community. For example, Homeowner President or Police Officer.

Immediacy – In reality, people would love to know something new and something that they will have interest. Bringing the freshest and the most recent information is more efficient compared to a week old news.


Proximity – Once you have written a story about the Drug raid in Mexico, will the people of Singapore gets affected with the news? This will not happen because people in Singapore only wants to know the things around them.

Humor – This is one significant element in creating a news. Sometimes, there are news that makes people laugh. Like for instance, “A Guy Shows His Underwear to People”. The more the readers laugh about the news, the more it is correct.


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The Common Mistakes in Writing for Print

Oct 15

People do not notice that there are some errors in the articles that are published by newspaper companies. Some of the mistakes can be easily determined by a co-writer. On the other hand, it sometimes cannot be seen by the usual readers. For the ordinary people to know what are the mistakes of the write-ups in a newspaper, keep on reading.


Unnecessary Words

Sometimes, print writers tend to use too many sentences or perhaps phrases. This causes the informationl to be jumbled which makes the readers confuse and will eventually lead to discontinue reading. Being concise is the name of the game.

Long Sentences

Most of the time readers just read and read withoutll knowing that the article they are reading takes them 10 minutes for it to end. Actually, in writing for newspapers, it should be straight to the point unless it a feature story wherein you need to use fancy words.


Unknown Words

One rule in writing is to be specific to the words that are used because the mass will read the newspaper and not intelligent individuals. Sometimes, many people read in the newspaper the words that are not familiar to them. This leads to annoyance of the reader and find another article to read on.

Improper Review

This is the most important part in creating the story. After the first draft. there must be a person to review the article to avoid some words or perhaps sentences that are not needed in the article. Through this, writers have the chance to correct themselves and prevent getting caught with libelous and offensive statements.



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