How to Increase Employee Satisfaction

Oct 11

You are either the boss or the employee. If you are the boss, you have a lot of responsibilities especially to your employees. You need to make sure that your employees are satisfied with their work so in return, they can be productive. How can you increase employee satisfaction, then?

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Before discussing ways to increase employee satisfaction, it is crucial that you know the results of an interim study here in Singapore. The study agrees to the Committee of Inquiry report. It found out that more than 90% of the foreign workers here in Singapore are highly satisfied with their jobs. The interim findings were revealed by Tan Chuan-Jin, the Minister of Manpower on parliament on July 07, 2014.

Going back to the main issue, how can you increase employee satisfaction? Here’s how:

Digital Image by Sean Locke Digital Planet Design

  • Positive work environment: If the working environment is not positive, you do not expect your workers to be positive. It is important that you create a culture of positivity. It should begin in you.
  • Provide reasonable benefits: Turn-over rates are high because you give small salaries and benefits. You should realize that you need to provide reasonable benefits so your employees have something to look forward.
  • Develop skills: Learning should be continuous. Your employees can be more when you give them the chance. Stagnation will destroy your organization. Think of training and mentoring.
  • Recognition and rewards: Employees need inspiration. The benefits and the compensation are not enough. You have to consistently recognize and reward those who are exemplary.

The things mentioned above are a good start. Do not hesitate to empower your employees because it will translate to productivity and eventually profits.


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The Applications of Nanotechnology

Oct 08

You often hear nanotechnology in sci-fi movies but these days, nanotechnology is so real that you can almost reach it. When you hear about nanotechnology, it refers to the manipulation of matter. The manipulation can be molecular or atomic. Singaporean scientists have their own share of nanotechnology. In fact, Singapore signed a cooperation deal with South Korea and Russia to develop nanotechnology.


Nanotechnology is very broad that it transcends to other fields like chemistry, biology, physics and many more. There are scientists that are excited of the limitless possibilities of nanotechnology. If you want to know about the applications of nanotechnology, you can start here:

  • Cosmetics: Sunscreen and other cosmetics are partly made of titanium dioxide which is considered as a nanomaterial.
  • Food products: Nanomaterials are also found in some food products like gecko tape and the silver for packing food.
  • Home improvement: Nanomaterials are best friends of people who plan to improve their house. For example, surface coatings, varnishes and paints are made of nanomaterials.

Nanotech counters

  • Sports: It does not end there. Nanomaterials are also seen in tennis, golf and bowling balls. It will make the balls fly straight and it can last long.
  • Automotive: In the automotive industry, cars are made with nanomaterials. Cars these days need only few metals and fuel to run.
  • Video games: If you want to play inside the house, nanotechnology will make your experience worthwhile.  With the help of nanomaterials, personal computers and video consoles will become faster and cheaper.

Of course, there are always two sides of a coin. While there are scientists that continue to develop nanotechnology, there are others that relentlessly go against it. These scientists are only concerned about its implications.


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5 Reasons Why Some High-Earners are in Debt

Sep 12

Wearing high fashion clothes, dining at the hippest restos, and taking vacations in Europe, high-earning executives – those earning between $5,000–10,000 a month – seem to have it made. Yet, some of these art directors, lawyers, and publishing executives may actually be tens of thousands in debt. Below are the common financial pitfalls for people with huge wages.


1.       Inability to delay gratification

Compared to that of our parents’, our generation lived in comparably comfortable times. Singapore was already what it is now by the time we had any financial awareness, and so many of us really didn’t learn how it is to save money for the future: when we want something, we want to have it now. And so we pay for today’s pleasures with next month’s salary.

2.       Overuse of credit cards

What with low interest rates and aggressive lending policies by banks, it’s become common for people to have two, three, or even four credit cards. And for many of us, these credit cards create the illusion that we have a lot of money left to spend even as we acknowledge that we’re already owe thousands to each of these cards.

3.       Paying for past extravagances

It may come as no surprise that weddings are a prime suspect to why many couples are in debt. A lot of us spend so much for this event that they still have to pay for it even way past their honeymoon phase. Other culprits include getting a house or car that we couldn’t really sustainably pay for.


4.       Social “necessities”

When we earn a lot, we feel somewhat obligated to treat our friends who earn less than we do by giving gifts or paying for dinner. Then at home, those of us who aren’t married yet also have to give spending allowances to our parents, siblings, and even some distant relatives.

5.       Overestimating one’s salary

An account executive earning $7,000 a month may think it’s easy to justify a $500 luxury bag. But if she already has a debt in the thousands and it’s not the first bag she’s bought on a whim this month, it gives a much different picture. We should buy something in view of our financial standing, not our salaries.



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Signs That You’re Mishandling Your Money and How to Fix It

Sep 09

How can you definitely say that you have a problem managing your money? Here are 7 definite signs:


  • You’re counting down to the next payday. That’s ‘cause you need money, and you need it now… for things you bought yesterday.
  • Your late bills are piling up by the month. You’ve fallen behind your payments for your credit cards, utilities, car, rent, phone, and mortgage. Some of your bills are even months due?
  • You’re borrowing from practically everyone. You’ve borrowed from your parents, siblings, officemates, relatives, and friends. You’ve even already taken an advance on your paycheck.
  • Things are stressing you out. With all the payments you’re due, and people hounding you for their money, things are putting a strain on your work, health and relationships.
  • The bank won’t loan you anymore. You have a very low credit rating and any pleading won’t get your loan application approved. They’re even threatening to revoke your credit cards.


Hopefully, the five signs above don’t all apply to you. But if they do, or even if just one of them does, here are ways on how you can put things back into order:

  • Pay your bills on time. Sounds obvious, but a lot of people still miss this, opting to use their money to make purchases or some other treats.
  • Cut back on your expenses. We know there’s a social cost of living a frugal life and sometimes we have to maintain appearances, but things will only get worse if we continue to buy things we can’t afford.
  • Stop using your credit cards. Credit cards are convenient, but they often tempt us to buying things we don’t really need. Pay with cash so you have a good idea just how much you can rightfully spend.
  • Cancel useless cards. If you’re getting discounts from only one card, then there’s no sense keeping two or three others. Saving money means efficient spending.
  • Embrace a simple life. That can be a bit of a challenge for Singaporean urbanites, but it could be necessary. Cut back on your holidays, take public transport, and stop eating at fancy restaurants.
  • Get professional help. There are firms who work by consolidating your debts and finding ways on how you can best use your salary to pay off your dues. You can also try the non-profit Credit Counselling Singapore to set up a debt repayment plan.


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Attractions at Skyline Luge Sentosa

Aug 08

It is your rest day and you are thinking of worthwhile things to do. You can finish your work in the house so you will not worry about it in the future but where is the fun in it? You have to make good memories. There are many activities here in Singapore that you can consider. For sure you can make good memories if you consider the Skyline Luge located in Sentosa.


Recently, you do not consider the Skyline Luge because it is under renovation. Well, here’s the good news for you – it has a new look now after eighteen months of renovation. You will surely enjoy its new look. The renovation incurred over S$ 4 million. The renovation included widening the aisles of the ticketing counters. There are also numerous sun-shelters and more railings to meet the standards of ride safety.

The renovation does not end here because there are future plans. The management is thinking about allotting another S$2 million to create additional luge tracks. At present, there are only two tracks – the Jungle and Dragon Track. In the next few years, there will be four tracks. If you want to visit Skyline Luge right now, you should know some information. You can consider this:


  • Admission: The rate depends on the package you will choose. For example, if you decide to have the Luge & Skyride Combo, expect to pay from S$ 15 to S$33. Visit the website of Skyline Luge for more information.
  • Restrictions: There are some restrictions. Passengers with sickness cannot ride the luge. Those who have heart conditions, back problems, motion sickness, vertigo or epilepsy cannot ride. Pregnant women are also discouraged to ride. There is also age and height restriction. Only 6 years and above can ride as long as they reach at least 110 cm.
  • Opening hours: Skyline Luge is open from 10am to 9:30pm every day. Going there on weekends or Public Holidays will not be a problem.
  • Getting there: You should decide whether you commute or drive your car. If you commute, you can ride Sentosa Bus numbers 1, 2 or 3. You can also consider the Sentosa Express at Imbiah and Beach station. Sentosa Beach Tram is another alternative.

You can choose to ride the day or night luge. Regardless of your choice, you will surely enjoy it at the end of the day. You will not only experience the thrill but you will also see the city skyline and harbour. It is a nice way to spend your rest day. Many visitors come to Singapore for the thrill.



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