Getting that Bikini Body

Aug 05

You look beautiful just the way you are but there is nothing wrong if you aspire for that bikini body. Summer is in place and what is the coolest thing to do? Take a plunge in the waters and enjoy its coolness. Here in Singapore, there’s the beach and swimming pool. You only need to choose.


The heat is sometimes intolerable. If it is possible, we only stay indoors to keep away from the sun but where is the fun in it? Going to the pool or beach is refreshing and fun. If you are particular about wearing the right attire, you are worried about your body. As much as possible, you want a bikini body. Singaporean women want this.

You should know that achieving that bikini body will take a lot of dedication and hard work. A month or two months before the summer season, you have to start so when the time comes, you are ready to flaunt all your hard work. Here are some things that you can consider:

  • Set goals: You want to have a bikini body. That is not everything about setting goals. You need to identify where you want to improve. If you really want, you van weight and get measurements. You can even take a picture of your before body so you will see the difference in the future. These things are part of setting the goals.
  • Eating healthily: You have to eat healthy to lose all that unwanted weight. You should particularly reduce your calorie intake. If you can, change your diet and opt for healthier foods like fruits and vegetables. Do not forget about the water intake. Drink at least eight or more glasses of water every day.


  • Exercise: Diet alone cannot give you a bikini body. You also need to sweat it out. Exercise is an important component. You have to do at least thirty minutes of cardio exercises for three to five times per week. You can go biking, swimming or running if you like. You can hit the gym if you want to seek professional training. Exercise will shape or tone your body.
  • Stay motivated: Achieving a bikini body is not easy as it looks like. It is therefore important that you stay motivated no matter what happens. Find your motivation and make sure to hold unto it.

Going to the pool or beach is a nice bonding experience so why don’t you bring along your friends and family? They will surely appreciate it. Achieving a bikini body is not easy but if you think that you can do it, everything will follow. Do not be afraid to eat healthy and exercise. Maintaining your body is not easy but if you are used to it, it will become a habit. It will then be easier.


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Guilt-Free Happiness

Jun 21

Eating ice cream is something that we could never outgrow. For sure, at least once in our lives we have experienced the simple delight of enjoying a scoop of ice cream. But not everyone is the same and not everyone can eat the usual ice cream which contains dairy as its no. 1 ingredient. Some are allergic to it, some are lactose-intolerant, some don’t eat dairy for religious or ethical reasons, and some are simply meticulous health-buffs. So to cater to this certain demographic, different non-dairy ice creams were created.

Non-Dairy Strawberry Banana Ice Cream 031


Soyato was the brainchild of a lovely couple whose only desire at the beginning was to eat as much ice cream as they want during their dates. But eating much ice cream poses the problem of piling up those unwanted pounds. So they sought to create a better version of this all-time favourite dessert and came up with their own brand of soy-based ice cream. Soyato ice creams are made with non-GMO soy beans and for an extra dose of goodness they’ve included the prebiotic inulin into the mix. Prebiotic inulin is a good source of soluble fibre that helps maintain a good environment for our intestines. Soyato soy ice creams have 3x less fat, half the calories, and 100% trans-fat- and cholesterol-free. These creamy delights come in 9 flavors, of which are Belgium Chocolate Chip and French Vanilla. Soyato ice creams are available at selected NTUC Fairprice and specialty stores. To check out the complete list of their locations, you could visit them at



This non-dairy ice cream is proudly Singaporean! A pioneer in creating non-dairy, vegan ice creams in Singapore, Brownice provides a healthier alternative for the usual dairy-, sugar-, and fat-laden ice creams out in the market. What’s unique about this brand’s ice cream is that instead of soy milk, they use brown rice as their base. They want to provide the general public with better dessert options that’s why they only use organic, plant-based food in their concoctions and rest-assured that all their ice creams are absolutely free of artificial ingredients. Brownice continues to prove that the taste of healthy desserts doesn’t need to be compromised. At Brownice, you’ll get to indulge in yummy flavours such as Hazelnut Chocolate, Vanilla Almond, and Peanut Butter Caramel. For a taste of their guilt-free concoctions, visit their shop at Sin Ming Centre.



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Desserts sans Dairy

Jun 18

Sure, it can be said that anything that has dairy in it is delicious and relatively nutritious. And when it comes to desserts, dairy is an ingredient that makes up most of them – cakes, chocolates, and ice creams. But not everyone can consume this food group. Some people have allergies to it and some have simply chosen to stop eating it for ethical reasons. Whatever the reason may be, excluding dairy to your food choices shouldn’t be an unfortunate thing because nowadays there are more and more delicacies made with ingredients that can substitute for dairy products. As proof of that, here are some dessert shops that serve only 100% non-dairy treats which are nonetheless just as delicious as their dairy counterparts.


Delcie’s Desserts and Cakes

This sweet shop provides plenty of options to satisfy your sweet tooth. They’ve got cakes, cupcakes, macarons, muffins, cookies and much more! As you indulge in their decadent desserts, you’ll certainly forget that you’re munching on treats that are completely dairy-free. What’s even better is that all of their recipes are low in calories, high in fiber, made from organic ingredients, and contain no trans-fat, saturated fats, or cholesterol.  One of their top sellers is their Mud Fudge cake. A slice of this cake will no doubt satiate you as the rich chocolate melts in your mouth and the texture of the cake is just perfect. For a taste of their guilt-free desserts, you can visit their shop at 951 Upper Serangoon Road.


Soyato Premium Non-dairy Ice Cream

Finally, a yummy ice cream that won’t add inches to your waist! Soyato is a soy-based ice cream, which has added probiotics, has 3x less fat than most ice creams, and has no trans-fat or cholesterol. With all these goodness, is it still fair to include this ice cream to the junk food list? That aside, Singaporeans should also take pride in Soyato because it is a local brand that only uses non-GMO soy beans and other vegan ingredients. Their ice creams are delightfully creamy and the flavors of their ice creams are perfectly blended with their soy base to create a delicious, balanced taste. Their flavors include Wickedly Chocolate, Honey Lemon, Mint Chip, and Green Tea.



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Singapore National Football Team

Jun 12

Singapore is known for the sport football after a continuous streak of trophies that they have won in 1998 (defeated Vietnam 1-0), 2005 (defeated Indonesia in a 5-2 two-leg aggregate), 2007 (defeated Thailand in a 3-2 two game aggregate) and 2012 (defeated Thailand in a magical 3-1 two-leg aggregate) in ASEAN Football Championships. They are the only team to win four times in the tournament. Also, they have been chosen by the Asian Football Confederation to be the “Mover of the Year” in 2005.

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Singapore’s Chronicle in Football

Football is famous around the world. In fact, it is the most one of the most popular sport in the globe and has the most number of players in the world. Although football is famous in other countries, Singapore wasn’t left behind by this game. The first football game and also the introduction of football to Singaporeans were on 1889; there were two teams battled their wits and skills in the sport. Then, followed by the formation of Football Association in Singapore in 1892 and until today, many football aficionados continue to learn football. Because of the popularity of Singapore football team in Southeast Asia, there are a lot of people who like to know the roster of the National Squad.


Singapore National Team:

  • Afiq Yunos – Defender
  • Baihakki Khaizan – Defender
  • Fadhil Salim – Goalkeeper
  • Faris Ramli – Midfielder
  • Faritz Abdul Hameed – Defender
  • Gabriel Quak – Midfielder
  • Hafiz Abu Sujad – Midfielder
  • Hariss Harun – Midfielder
  • Isa Halim – Midfielder
  • Ismail Yunos – Defender
  • Izwan Mahbud – Goalkeeper
  • Khairul Amri – Forward
  • Madhu Mohana – Defender
  • Safuwan Baharudin – Defender
  • Shahdan Sulaiman – Midfielder
  • Shahril Ishak – Midfielder
  • Shakir Hamzah – Defender
  • Sufian Anuar – Midfielder
  • Zulfadli Zainal Abidin – Defender
  • Zulfahmi Arifin – Midfielder


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Saving Tips: Obey Laws in Singapore

Jun 09

If your itinerary is Singapore, be mindful that this country has laws that you will be afraid to violate. These laws are very simple that even a grade school pupil can comprehend.  Literally, simple laws in Singapore have heavy penalties and fines especially when it talks about cleanliness.


The most common law in the country is the prohibition of selling chewing gum as well as eating it. Once you are caught, fines and penalties will cut down the budget for your trip. To be able to save money, simply follow rules and regulations imposed in the country and obey other laws which include the following:

  • Avoid hugging in public: Basically, this is a no-no in Singapore. Hugging in public maybe a manner for many but in Singapore you’ll be unluckily fined.


  • Walking around your place naked is illegal: This one has something to do with pornography and Singapore is strictly imposing laws which talks about pornography. Even when you are at your own hotel and you are caught naked, you’ll be punished. So, better check the windows and close the curtains before you undress everything.
  • Never connect to unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots: In Singapore, connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi is illegal because it means hacking. Whatever happens or for any purpose, do not connect to these open hotspots otherwise you’ll go to jail and if it’s your lucky day, you’ll only be paying a fine; however, it is not the fine that you think. It’s actually beyond that.

No matter what happens, just obey these laws and stick with your plans. Do not try to do something that will possibly harm you not just physically but also financially.


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