Fighting Loansharking Activities

Feb 25

Loansharking is illegal but there is no doubt that it is common here in Singapore. In fact, on November 26 and 27, 2013, police arrested 16 people who were members of an illegal money lending syndicate that is accountable for more than three hundred harassments. Another man was also arrested on December 7, 2013.05loan-shark

Under the law, if someone is found guilty of operating or assisting loansharking, he/she can pay S$30000 to S$300000 plus a compulsory jail term of four years and six hits of cane. Alternatively, the police is advising the public to keep away from loansharking activities. The public needs to eschew this illegal activity. Here’s what you can do:

1.       Be vigilant

You need to be vigilant. If there are suspicious people around your neighbourhood, you can act by reporting to the police immediately. You also need to call the attention of the police if you know of harassment activities. If you want to reach the police and you need immediate assistance, you can dial 999.

2.       Join COP and NWGs

Before the police can rescue the neighbourhood, COP (Citizens on Patrol) and NWGs (Neighbourhood Watch Groups) will serve as the first line of defence. If you are serious about stopping loansharking activities, you have to join COP and NWGs. You need to contact Police Centre nearby and ask how you can take part.

3.       Spread awareness

There are people who needs to be aware of this situation. If you do not want to join COP or NWGs, you can help by spreading the awareness to all people in the neighbourhood. This is not a problem because educational posters are present everywhere. There are also advisories distributed around. You can help by spreading the information.

4.       Educate your children

There is an increasing trend of youths joining loansharking activities. In 2010, it was noted that 78 youths were arrested for assisting loansharking activities. Youths are used in this trade because if they are caught, they will only experience probation. With this, it is important that parents educate their children. Parents need to be watchful of their children’s activities.

We all have our difficult moments especially when it comes to our finances but loansharking should never be an option. If you are encountering a financial difficulty, you should exhaust all methods but never loansharking. You will know if it is loansharking when you are offered with an easy loan application with a very large interest. Ask for the license and other government accreditations.


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Parenting 101: Infant Care Made Easy

Jan 30

Being a parent is a daunting task but if you know some tips, you can easily get through it. Good news for parents out there (or soon-to-be-parents), PA (People’s Association) will launch an online site where parents can get information from sterilizing bottles and utensils to changing diapers. The website will feature practices when it comes to infant care.


Apart from the normal infant care practices, the website will also include babysitting services as well as nearby paediatricians. The best part is that PA plans to perform workshops to furnish new parents (or soon-to-be-parents) with the necessary knowledge to deal with their infants. A helpline will also be established. This project will be completed next year. Meanwhile, you can just refer here:


You should know that babies do nothing except cry, sleep and eat. Do not forget to feed the baby. You will know when it is feeding time because the baby will cry. Regardless of your choice (breast milk or formula), it should be enough.


Changing Diapers

The baby needs to be cleaned every now and then. Even if they do not eat much, they still produce waste. Changing diapers should be learned. Changing diapers is not that hard if you follow the directions in the package or you can simply ask your mother to teach you.


Infants do not need bathing every day. It is good if you bathe your infant on alternate days. If he/she did not take a bath, you can simply wipe your infant with a clean and soft cloth. You have to deal with the infant’s umbilical cord. Every time you change diapers, you need to clean the surrounding of the cord.



When the baby is crying, it may mean two things: he/she is hungry or he/she is not comfortable. If they cry, the first thing that you need to do is feed them. If that does not help, you should check their diapers. If the crying persists, the baby might be in pain. You have to discover it. They will stop when they feel better. Do not forget about your doctor’s appointment.

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Getting Serious on Your First Investment

Jan 28

On November 26, 2013 the Housing and Development Board (HDB) launched 8,952 units for sale. The units came from Build to Order (BTO) and Sale of Balance Flats (SBF) located in the areas of Boon Lay View, Hougang, Bukit Batok, Woodlands, Sembawang and Jurong West. HBD’s next launching is set this January 2014 where it will present more than 3,150 units in the same areas.


If you are looking for the perfect home, you should grab this opportunity. If it is your first time to buy, do not worry because HBD specified that first time buyers will still benefit from their priority flat allocation. You should be serious when you are thinking about buying a house. This is not a small investment. Your comfort depends on it. That said, you should consider the following things when choosing the perfect investment:

Price – You should first look into the price. You – and your partner, if you have one – need to settle a reasonable price range. Make sure that you will be able to pay the monthly fees.


Location – Choosing the location is another important thing. You should consider many factors like the accessibility and the convenience of the house to your work area and other places you frequent.

Amenities – You need to choose an estate that boasts of amenities like parks, recreational facilities, entertainment and health clubs.


If you chose to get private housing (which includes landed property, apartments and condominiums), you should begin your search right away, but know that these properties are expensive whether you buy or rent them.

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Financial Considerations in Getting Married

Nov 28

Starting a family is never easy but it is all worth it. This is true for Hafiz (not his true name), a technician. He spent 3 years to save up S$10,000 for his ideal wedding but unfortunately, he miscalculated. It took him a total of S$25,000. This debt was finally settled after two years together with the help of his parents.


Budgeting the Wedding

This goes to show that wedding ceremonies cost too much. Unless you have many to spare, you will not encounter any difficulties before and after the wedding. Sometimes, due to financial troubles, marriages are breaking apart. The disintegration of the marriage alarmed the Ministry of Social and Family Development. With that, the Ministry thought about Marriage Preparation Course. This course seeks to educate and raise the awareness of the couple so they will not encounter any troubles before and after their wedding. Here are some components of the course:

Financial Planning

When you are thinking about getting married, the first thought should be the budget. Whether you want a simple wedding or an extravagant one, costs will be present. If you do not want to get into any debts especially that you are starting your family, financial planning is a must. You will learn many things about it. You will be taught how to maximize your money.



If you are done with the financial planning, it is time to make things happen. Organizing the wedding is crucial for its success. No matter how you plan your finances, if you do not know what you are doing, it will surely fail. You will be taught how to make preparations for your wedding so it would be easier and better for you. Good luck on your weddings!

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Running Man

Nov 26

Are you a fan of Running Man? Running Man is a South Korean variety show that attracted many audiences not only in South Korea but also here in Singapore and around Asia. The show is televised in SBS (Seoul Broadcasting System). The show was initially aired on 11 July 2010. This is famous because it is the first ‘urban action” variety show. It concentrates on urban environment.

Experts and fans would say that the show is successful because of four components:


1. Unpredictability

There are shows that you can predict the ending. Running Man is different. The skit is constantly different with many twists and unconventional ideas. Many people appreciate its unpredictability. Its unpredictability stirs the mind of the viewers.

2. Comedy

The whole program carries that lightness. There are some episodes and missions that are funny and entertaining. People these days look for that. There is no doubt that the celebrities, casts and the crew do their best to entertain the viewers.

3. Celebrity Guests

Many people expect to see their celebrity idols in the show. This makes the show interesting. There are many celebrities and guests who joined the show. Some guests last for a long time. For example, Lizzy who is thought to be a cast turned out to be a long time guest after all.

4. Cast Chemistry

Current casts include Yoo Jae-suk, Gary, Haha, Ji Suk-jin, Kim Jong-kook, Lee Kwang-soo and Song Ji-hyo. Running Man is appealing because of the cast’s chemistry. The casts seem to work harmoniously to give people fun and entertainment.

Proof of how successful Running Man is its numerous awards. The show received numerous awards from its beginning. If you are not yet a fan, try to watch at least one episode so you will understand why many people go gaga over it.

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